Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Through a glass darkly . . .

A few days ago, friend Judy emailed this link of
Il Divo, "Amazing Grace" from November 2008. I had not listened to it before. I have listened to several times in the past few days. If you have not heard it, let me encourage you to listen to the whole four minute song but then turn it off immediately when you hear clapping because it goes right into a very loud promotional video.

I can just imagine being there in person for this presentation.

My sisters and I did have a unique experience on our vacation. At the Highland Games Opening Parade, many Highlander bands played as they entered and left the area. All of the bands grouped in the outdoor arena area and there were a few introductory and welcome speeches, including a welcome from the New Hampshire Governor.

One of the guest Highlander Bands was from Scotland. They were the first in the processional. When they recessed after the short program, they played, "God Bless America." It was a surprise for me and very moving. Everyone stood reverently during their presentation and then applauded in appreciation as they left.

I am not even remotely suggesting that this was as special as the Il Divo quartet in the Coliseum in Rome. The only obscure connection was the bagpipe. It was like looking in a mirror that gives only a very dim (blurred) reflection of something very grand. Ours was just a mini mini teeny tiny experience in comparison.

And here is another place that my thoughts went today. I was reminded of 1 Corinthians 13:12. Our very best understanding of God’s love and things to come are like: “squinting in a fog, peering through a mist . . . “ [The Message] or a “poor reflection as in a mirror . . .” [NIV] or “through a glass, darkly . . .” in comparison to some day when we shall see "face to face!" [KJV]


Donna's Book Nook said...

I've seen the Il Divo video before, not too long ago, but it still is awe-inspiring; I could listen to it several times.

(It did remind me of the bagpipes in New Hampshire).

Jackie said...

I love the 'looking through a glass darkly'....
Thank you for sharing that.
Hi Brenda...I've been away for a while...but I always look forward to coming here to my beekeeping friend's site....
What great photos!!
I will go to the link and listen, because if you recommend it, I know it's great.
Hugs and smiles to you, my friend.

Mom/Barb said...

Hi Brenda! I love this group! I listened to them over and over - such splendid harmony! Thanks!