One bad thing is that we had plenty of bottles.
Our honey production was way down this year.
Everything else about our honey extraction day was as it should be—sweet—good—full of delight!
We finally have the procedure down to a efficient system.
The best part of all, the part that makes us smile all evening and for the next day as well was that it was a great family day!
Brenda I had already commented on a previous post how I loved how you had included your family for Honey Day.....I am sorry I spelt Seamus's name wrong....I think I watched them backwards.
Thank you for sharing your Honey Day with your blogging friends, I truly enjoyed watching the video's and hearing your comments on your wonderful day......:-) Hugs
Well we agree in our thinking... Seamus is sweeter than honey...that's exactly what I commented back there! We do think alike Brenda...Families working together makes work fun!
Dear Bernie and Wanda,
Thank you for bearing with me as I posted so much at one time. You are dear and faithful. I do so love the little videos of sweet and happy Seamus!I am so glad to be able to share them with someone.
Hi Brenda,
I love honey! It looks like a lot of work but a sweet time!
Love Di
You have a really schweeet family. I like the video of the honey cheer. LOL.
Hi Brenda, Thank you for your nice comment about my daughter...We do have to let them fly away, but i need to clarify my little bird is 38. :-)
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