Eat honey, my son, for it is good;
honey from the comb is sweet to your taste.
Know also that wisdom
is sweet to your soul . . .Proverbs 24:13 & 14a
The note is worth many times its
weight in gold—honey gold.
Walter’s words warmed our hearts
and made us chuckle.
He is an underground poet
or writer of prose. . . or should be.
We love it—the note, the honey, the man.
To clear up any confusion, this note was just received a day ago. It is not from my father but I did describe Walter, the friend, like Walter, my Dad. I did not do that intentionally. Looking back over what I wrote, it is remarkable how it does sound like my Dad. Walter is a good name.
LOVE this!! Bee spit. Few people realize what they are eating....but we know, don't we...it's not exactly spit...but close (well...proximinally...)
The note is priceless...
The honey is as clear as I've ever seen...and I would love to have a taste right now.
Thanks for sharing!
Hugs and smiles from Jackie
I love the name BACKYARD BEES...
Sweet thing for the whole family to be involved in!
Oh it looks so good, and I love that you shared the thank you note. Lots of love.....:-) Hugs
Personally I love bee spit. I love to dip fried chicken in it. I love it on toast and in my tea. But my favorite way to eat it is right out of the jar!!! MMMmmmmm !!
Love Di
I didn't know you had that note from Dad; that is priceless, as you said. Brought back memories just to see his handwriting.
He always loved your honey and liked to have a few jars to give away.
Oh dear, Donna, I can see why you would have thought it was from Dad but it is not. We just received this note. Bob gave honey to a SM friend, Walt and he sent Bob the thank you. When I reread what I wrote--wise man, warmed our hearts, made us chuckle, underground poet, and we love it--the note, the honey, the man--I could understand why you thought that. I am so sorry. I should have explained this better! It never even dawned on me that people would think it was Dad. Many, many apologies!
Before I read your postscript, I enlarged the note & read it to Gary. We both said, "That's her DAD!"
Then I read the postscript. Walter IS a good name.
Before I read your postscript, I enlarged the note & read it to Gary. We both said, "That's her DAD!"
Then I read the postscript. Walter IS a good name.
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