Saturday, January 5, 2008

Dicey Stuff

I guess it started with Bunco. I don’t like to miss a party so last fall I joined our neighborhood bunco group. Bunco is a game of chance requiring no skill except keeping the dice on the table when it is your turn to roll. Our Bunco nights are really about laughing so much that enough endomorphins are produced to keep us smiling for the next week. Bunco is also about good desserts and hors d’oeuvres so that our pants fit more snugly for the next week.

Then I was introduced to competitive Yahtzee where winning and losing scores are recorded and there are rules about rolling the dice and strategies are secret. That is from Matt—new husband of Carrie—daughter of our neighbors, Jim and Cindy. After every game the high and low score is recorded in itsy bitsy tiny print in the boxtop. It is their family tradition and involves a game almost every day.

Last night, neighbors Mary and John, (their real names) brought a hostess gift in a tiny package. After it was opened, we six neighbors rattled and shook out dice playing Pocket Farkel for the next two hours. It was amusing to have to say, “Oh, no, I guess I farkeled,” or “Sorry friend, you farkeled again.” Bob reminded us of a goofy old saying, “I’d rather be a smart feller than a ___ smeller.” (He made a big hit when he told that to three of our grandsons ages 10-13 years old a few weeks ago when one of the grandsons gave occasion for that comment. The boys nearly rolled on the floor laughing.) Farkel, rest assured, has nothing to do with that. You farkel if you do not roll a five or a one. It doesn’t take much to make us laugh. We had a great time. John and Mary’s rules add a bit of competition and fun. For example, everyone should start with a dollar or so of dimes. Then whenever someone farkels, you have to put a dime in the pot. If you get a Royal Farkel, you have to put 20 cents in the pot. The winner at the end of the night takes home the pot. Last night Cindy would have gone home with $3.60 except that we didn’t have enough dimes. I recommend this game. It really is lots of fun and does involve some strategy. If your eyesight is still okay, I recommend Pocket Farkel. The little canister fits easily into the smallest purse so you have something to do whether at Starbucks or at the airport or any place where you wait with a friend. It is a great little multigenerational game. So go ahead you may just turn the corner.

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