My Team’s great results!
Dawn’s time: 31:26.1
D’s pace: 10.08
Rank in age category: 41/87
MaryBeth’s time: 31:26.2
MB’s pace: 10.08
Rank in age category: 42/87
Lois’s time: 32:10.2
L’s pace: 10.22
Rank in age category: 19/47
Nancy’s time: 35:08.6
N’s pace: 11.19
Rank in age category: 56/79
Dawn’s time: 31:26.1
D’s pace: 10.08
Rank in age category: 41/87
MaryBeth’s time: 31:26.2
MB’s pace: 10.08
Rank in age category: 42/87
Lois’s time: 32:10.2
L’s pace: 10.22
Rank in age category: 19/47
Nancy’s time: 35:08.6
N’s pace: 11.19
Rank in age category: 56/79
My time: 41:40.6
My pace: 13.25
Rank in age category: 8/13
My pace: 13.25
Rank in age category: 8/13
Next year I will do better!
Love your fantasy!--Keep those dreams and aspirations intact.
You did great!--You finished! Some of us never started (and possibly never will, though we won't give up hope either).
Good job! Donna
I think you did great this year Brenda!!!Thank you for all the visits to my blog and leaving such kind comments...I started blogging at my daughter's urging...little did I know how much I would enjoy the pleasure of meeting so many nice people such as yourself.
When I saw the last picture, I thought: "why she has great legs!"
Congratulations Brenda, well done! I felt your pride and excitement reading your post, and yes you do have a wonderful friends to share your race with. I am very happy for you, have a wonderful weekend and keep dreaming always.....:-)Hugs
I don't think that I feel much pride. It is what it is--but I would so love to be able to do it faster, better. It was embarrassing posting my time as most people walk that fast but, oh well. Sometimes you have to eat humble pie and rejoice with others successes.
As an on-looker, I have only admiration for someone who enters, trains, runs and finishes! Once again, your sense of humor reigns. Before reading commentary, I thought you shed your running pants & shirt as the run went on and finished in your bikini attire! Like all those other great "before" and "after" shots.
I loved your post Brenda, With dreams like yours surely your fantasy will become a reality!I think it's fabulous that you can just run, I can't do that any more. But I do keep working out!
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