Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Do you ever wonder if God loves you?

Over and over today, I have been reminded of God’s love. What has impressed me is not new to me, but I am thankful for God’s reminders to me. I never tire of hearing that I am loved.

When I was doing my Bible study, I was blessed by Psalm 103.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
slow to anger, abounding in love. . .
he does not treat us as our sins deserve
or repay us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
so great is his love for those who fear him;
as far as the east is from the west,
so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

I talked with Andy today about his love for his son, Ryan. Yes, and I do so love our children and grandkids.

Verse 8 in The Message says:
As parents feel for their children,
God feels for those who fear him.

And it isn’t as if we have done anything at all to earn this love! God remembers that we are formed from dust. (The Message says, “mud”.) Our lives are like a vapor that is here for a bit and then are gone. Yet God’s love for us doesn’t end. We are significant to Him. It is too big for me to understand. How can God care about me when there are so many people? I am thankful that I can’t understand! He is a very big God.

But from everlasting to everlasting
the LORD's love is with those who fear him,
and his righteousness with their children's children!

This morning I also glanced at a Bible verse calendar to look at the verse. Here is what is said from 2 Samuel 7:18-21.
O Lord God,
Why have you showered your blessings on such and insignificant person as I am?
Such generosity is far beyond any human standard!
Oh, Lord God!
What can I say? For you know what I am like!
You are doing all these things just because you promised to
and because you want to.

Then on the radio, I heard the song that I have frequently heard and loved by Mercy Me. During Easter week, I could not get away from the words, “Such a tiny offering, compared to Calvary, nevertheless, we lay this at your feet.”

I decided to google the words and read them. Once again I was blessed by the message.

Lord You know
Our hearts don't deserve Your glory
Still You show
A love we cannot afford

Like hinges straining from the weight
My heart no longer can keep from singing

All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified
God with us

My heart sings a brand new song
The debt is paid these chains are gone
God with us

Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary
Nevertheless we lay it at Your feet
Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary
Nevertheless we lay this at Your feet

The visual picture that I have is of a child breaking her tiny piggy bank to give a gift to a billionaire. That billionaire bends over and gets eye to eye with the giver and says this is what I wanted most of all—and means it because that child is so very precious to the rich man. I’d like to think the little girl is sweet and adorable. But the truth is as we look closer, she is naughty and dirty and has a runny nose and is not attractive. Even so, she is cherished and loved—unexplainable but wonderful indeed! It reminds me of a devotional that I once heard about the Cinderella story. God loves the ugly, nasty stepsisters. Most of us are much more like them. God knows who we are. That is who He died for! He brings us up out of the slimy pit and embraces us! Incredible love!

Such a tiny offering compared to Calvary
Nevertheless, I [want to] lay it at His feet!

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