I want to be clear also that without the support of Grandpa—both financially and by cheering me on, these days would not be possible. Also, most of these grandchildren are really step grandchildren—though to my amusement—I have had comments about how this or that grandchild looks like me. So if hubby had not married me, I would be lonely indeed and miss soooo much!
Perhaps you can understand that I do not want Grandma Days to fade away into oblivion so these past few weeks have been a flurry of wonderful adventures. This does not happen all of the time—they are mostly one time per year per child occurrences. I am concerned that I have been receiving undue credit and thought I had better clear up some misconceptions. Now you know the truth.

Wanted to come by and thank you for stopping by for a visit.
I'm not a Grandma yet (I have 21-and 8-yr old daughters). But I do look forward to it.
Have a great weekend.
There is no such thing as undue Grandma praise!! Enjoy any and every moment you have to spend with the grands. They will remember the times....trust me.
Love to granddad too!! (I hope he reads this!!! :) )
My granddaughter (Lauren) is a stepgranddaughter.... I never think of her as that...She has my heart...I have hers...so....granddaughter, she is and always will be. She is a sweetheart in every way imaginable...and when I tell her how beautiful she is, she will say, "Thank you. Jesus made me." What a love she is. Her brother is our grandson...but like I said, they are both our grandchildren.
You deserve all the praises given to you, Brenda...and to Grandad, too....It isn't the quantity of time spent together....it's the quality...and I'm sure they enjoy that time as much as you. Continue to enjoy!!!
Much love,
Brenda, no misconception here at all. You are a wonderful grandmother married to a wonderful grandfather, love you......Hugs
Brenda...You deserved all the praise given...I gathered they were very special Gramma Days and not regular occurrences...but they were so varied in the activity you did with each child...that to me was so enduring...same here with this grampa...I might be the one out exploring the woods and creek and cooking with them, but he makes it all possible...Sometimes on my posts I feel odd saying my instead of our and me instead of us...but I just say to myself, it is a personal blog about me and my moments. So I know there is a behind the scene grampa by your side enjoying them too!
Well Brenda you can be modest if you like but I still think your a super grandmom! Even with the help of grandpop! Love Di
I still think you're Supergran! To think up such wonderful personalised adventures for the grandkids is super no matter how often you do it!
I like the truth. It is better than fiction ANY day. I am inspired and educated by your Grandma adventures. Keep it up! I'm taking notes :)
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