As Morgan sat down with pen and paper and so much “scope for imagination”, she quickly came up with a plan, including a photo shoot, what to wear, when to get into pj’s, what to eat, pedicures, mini mysteries, a craft, a tea party, watching Jessica’s soccer game and obviously movie time.
We barely finished our grocery and craft errands and then it was time to pick up Jessica. First the dolls needed to be dressed, and then the photo shoot completed. I imagine that Jessica resembles Anne in looks with her reddish hair and in her thrill of adventure. Jessica would have gladly and successfully accepted Josie Pye’s dare to walk the ridge-pole of the kitchen roof. It was Jessica that suggested to the dismay of Morgan that the photo shoot should be done in Grandpa’s climbing tree.
Morgan resembles Diana in her beautiful dark hair. However, her flair for the dramatic, her imagination, and her ability to talk constantly make Morgan a kindred spirit of Anne.
Aunt Kathi soon arrived. Our overnight began. Kathi and I enjoyed exchanging knowing, loving, delightful, amused, kindred spirit glances as we interacted with these charming little girls that love dolls but teeter on the edge of becoming young women.
We watched six hours of movies. We watched the first part of Anne of Green Gables on Friday evening and completed it on Saturday morning. We watched the first part of Anne of Green Gables, The Sequel on Saturday afternoon and that was as far as we got. The favorite part for all of us was when Matthew went to the store to buy Anne a dress. It is just so cute how he had such a hard time getting to the point. I especially love the part when Anne goes to the barn to thank Matthew. That always makes me cry. We laughed at the part where Anne finds a dead mouse in the pudding sauce! It is a great story!
Someone that works that hard deserves a bit of pampering.
Tea Party pictures
Morgan demonstrates the correct way to hold our tea cups.
At the tea party, I decided to give a little blessing before we began. I nearly lost my voice as I thanked God for these girls. As the adoptive grandma, I identify with Marilla and Matthew. “It was Providence, (My marriage to Bob and gaining his dear family.) because the Almighty saw I needed them, I reckon.”
Those girls are so precious! What a privilege you have to be a grandma to them. Looks like it was a very fun, definitely-girl sleep over. Blessings. Donna
First of all Anne, with an E, is my all time favorite. I think I have read all the Anne books at least 20 times. I still read them and once I start I have to finish them all. Secondly, even though I am almost 50, can you adopt me!?!? I would love to have the kind of fun you all did. I can't wait to have my own grandchildren. You are blessing and an inspiration. In fact, I am going to have my 10 year old neice for two weeks in the summer and I think we will do an Anne weekend too. Thanks!
Unbelievable, again! You are awesome...and I can imagine the lump in your throat as you said the blessing.....God IS great. God IS good.
I love a girl who can play a fierce game of soccer and then have an Anne of Green Gables tea party. I hope my little Silvie is like that hwen she's older.
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