A very young cousin, Mary and a very old cousin, Elizabeth are excited about their special babies.
King Herod is apparently quite happy to issue a decree ordering a census that will be very inconvenient for many people.
Mary and Joseph had a long, difficult journey not only because Mary was very pregnant but the donkey was a bit unruly and hard to manage. They finally made it. Whew!
The night that Jesus was born, shepherds were very relaxed and enjoying funny stories together as they played with their sheep and staffs on the ground.
At first when the angel appeared, the shepherds were so afraid that their hair stood on end!
This sweet little angel appreciated the shepherds role in our play.

After the host of angels gave their wonderful message, glorifying God and singing, they flew away.

We don't quite know why the shepherds crawled to Bethlehem?

They took many friendly beasts with them to see the baby.
After worshipping and admiring the baby they left their friendly beasts and went away talking about the wonderful things they had seen--and heard.

The beautiful star they had seen in the east guided them to Bethlehem.
They saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh.
An angel warned the magi in a dream to return to their country by a different route. The angel also warned Joseph in a dream to take Mary and the baby to Egypt so that bad King Herod could not hurt the child. So then everyone left and that was the end of our play.
After the host of angels gave their wonderful message, glorifying God and singing, they flew away.
We don't quite know why the shepherds crawled to Bethlehem?
They took many friendly beasts with them to see the baby.
Mary wondered about all the things told to her by the shepherds and also what she should do with all of the friendly beasts?
Magi from the east were quite surprised and awed by an incredible star that appeared.
What an amazing and touching tradition! Seeing the picture brought a tear to my eye and made me laugh. Fabulous!
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