Like the game Telephone, that we used to play during inside recess when I was in 4th grade, this tag lost some of its quirkiness after several generations. Even so, the random facts were fun to read and so I will list my favorite randomite from each list.
I liked reading Donna’s #4: “I like writing poems. Most of my real-time friends and family know this one. I write a poem every year for my Christmas letter. This year it was based on the "12 days of Christmas", reviewing the 12 months of the year.” She posted this on January 8, 2009. Her blog title is Donna’s Booknook.
Donna was tagged by 52 year old Cindy of Letters from Midlife. Cindy posted on January 7, 2009 that she used to be clinically deaf and was healed by her Grandma’s prayers.
She was tagged by Kristina who posted on January 5, 2009 that her second job was clearing logging slash and thistles at Mt. Rushmore when she was 15 years old. (Her first job only lasted 3 days.) That sounds so exotic since my 1st through at least 50th job was babysitting. Kristina’s blog title is Meadowlark Days and she lives somewhere in the US so I am going to guess Nebraska because of a favorite picture of a meadowlark that we have that we bought in the cornhusker state. But then again, I suppose S. Dakota is a better guess.
Kristina was tagged by Martha who posted on October 27, 2008. Hmmm yes, Kristina, it had been awhile ago. Martha says, “I am going to get some raw milk this week, I have to drive out of's like bootleg, can you believe it? $7 per gallon.” Her blog is called, The Scrumptious Life and she is from Ohio. I grew up on a farm in Ohio. There has got to be less than seven degrees of separation between us. My dad used to squirt raw milk to the cats for a treat while he was milking.
And Martha was tagged by Julie who posted on October 20, 2008. Julie admits, “I don't like chunks in fruit mixes. Fruit pies, jellies, jams, yogurt. I only like 'em smooth. Chunks make me want to gag.” And that reminds me of 11 of my 12 grandchildren. Julie’s husband is in the military on Active Duty. Her blog is We Are All Well Blessed. I want to bless her and her hubby and family. Thanks for your sacrifice!
Julie was tagged by Tiff who posts on The Boren Life. Oh boy, do I need more of someone like her in my life. On October 15th, she says, “I'm an organizational FREAK! My pantry is organized by food type, whether canned, boxed, etc.. and labeled accordingly. I won't even mention the ROY G. BIV action going on in my closet.” And get this, she is a mama of two sons. Wow! Hats off to Tiff.
Tiff was tagged by another mama of two boys, Courtney. Did I mention that I have two sons—although they are now full grown and papa’s in their own homes. And this is Courtney’s quirk that I totally am in compliance with, “I always fall asleep on my right side. Sometimes I think I'll change things up a bit and start out on my left side, but sleep NEVER comes to me unless I switch back over to my right side. I must have been that way in the womb.” Her post on Courtney and the Boys was posted also on October 15th. I am not surprised that Julie (above) was on her task so promptly. Oh, and also, Courtney was the first person that I ran across that posted the rules. So now I know. . .

Courtney was tagged by Jaysi of In Bird’s Nest. Jaysi from Arizona posted her quirkiness on October 14th. “I can only drink certain drinks from certain types of containers. Milk can only be consumed from a glass. Water needs to be in a plastic cup and preferably with a straw. Soda also only consumed from plastic. I don't drink much orange juice, but when I do it must be in a short juice glass. I know it is weird, but I swear it affects the taste!” That actually sounds perfectly normal to me.
Jaysi was tagged by AVT Coach not to be confused by ATV. I resonated with her 2nd quirky fact. She is afraid of cats. Oh yes, and she posted that list including the rules on October 3rd.
I decided to go 10 generations so lastly, AVT Coach (that is so hard to write!) was tagged by Miruspeg of Sydney, Austrailia! And I did not read very far—item #1 before I found common ground. “I normally lock the front door about 10 minutes before I leave the house via the back door. I have to say out loud 'I am locking the door' because if I don't I have to go back and check if I have locked it......obviously my attention span is shorter than 10 minutes!” Miruspeg posted her list on September 30, 2008 on Middle Age Ramblings.
Can’t help it. I have to go back one more. . . because that is as far as I can go. Miruspeg said that she was tagged from 8,608 miles away. Now how did she know that? I have no idea where Octomom lives. I do know that means that Octo has eight kids. You just can’t help but admire her especially when she says, “I hate, hate, hate being a foregone while I may be barefoot, homeschooling and pregnant in the kitchen, I'll be wearing an apple green push-up bra and listening to Billy Squier. Just sayin'.” She wrote this post on her blog titled, Octamom on September 30, 2008.
This is the extent of my sleuthing or as I prefer to think of it my social networking research. To quote my son who once wrote, “I am not nosy. I just like to know things.”

What a fun post! I'm so glad that you commented on my blog (and thanks for the mention here !) so that I could come here and read this and read about you. Thanks!
Hey, thanks for mentioning my blog...I love that you pulled interesting tidbits from everyone's blogs!!! Where in Ohio were you from? We live in Cincinnati, but have family in Oxford and Batavia too.
Wow! I'm so impressed with your research! That was really interesting. I hadn't gone back that far. What fun tidbits! Donna
This is hilarious - I enjoyed following this trail! Thanks for stopping by and linking as well. I currently live in Texas, but hope to return to SDakota someday!
You are darling! Just darling! How fun to backtrack through people's tags! And your son's quote is the best..."I'm not nosy...I just like to know things." I'll remember that one, for sure. It's amazing to see how my following-through with tagging people led to so many more tags! Fun!
I also used to teach before becoming a SAHM (stay-at-home mom), and I'm in Indiana. Glad to learn some things about you. God bless!
Courtney and the Boys
Isn't blogging just the best. This was a great way to connect us all together. We have no idea when we are posting that we are continuing the line across the world. A fun sideline to this is that Octamom and I know each other "in real life" and Miruspeg knows me through that site. Miruspeg and Octamom know each other through scrapblog. The circle widens further, I met Jaysi through I believe participating in Wordful Wednesday at Angie's. (
I enjoyed reading your profile, it sounds like while you have had some real pain in your life, you have also been blessed many times over.
Thanks for visiting my site and for your interest in following the tag. I have had many surprising connections through blogging and this wonderful blog is certainly one of them!
Wow!! You did some serious detective work! I like it. That is so cool to see where my tag ended up, and that was only one person that I tagged. Too cool! I love God's snychroncity in the world! Thanks for coming to check me out. I'm glad you agree on the drink thing. Totally makes a difference. I will come back again!
I forgot to cool is it that you are Bee's Nest and I am Bird's Nest???? Love that! I have become fascinated with bees every since I read The Secret Life of Bees.
And I am from Indiana...a neighbor to your buckeye state. I then also moved to Chicago. Crazy synchronicity!!!
Brenda, you're fantastic! And what a researcher!! It's so fun to meet you this way and to learn more about you! What a great post and kudos for your investigative skills!
It's so neat to see a couple of my friends on here as well as my sis-n-law, Courtney, with whom I have so much in common. I love this blogging life! HAHA!!
Our family is living in Washington state for the time being as we prepare to be relocated back to the midwest. This time we will be close to family! Thank you, LORD!!! We're so blessed to be given such an opportunity that takes us near our roots in Indiana.
I'm looking forward to hearing more aobut you. Thanks again for such a wonderful post and please tell me that it's true how my boys won't actually send me to the nut house...even if it just feels that way for now! :)
Much happiness and many blessings to you.
The Boren Life
Thanks everybody. I feel like I just won the lottery. I have never even had nine readers before and now to have nine comments. Wahoo! I will be checking back on you. It is so fun to peek in on your lives!
So thrilled to get to 'meet' you--and I just love that you followed the tag waaayyyyyy back! That is so awesome!
Looking forward to reading more of your posts!
I'm new here! What a great blog :)
Hello Brenda
What an interesting exercise to follow the tags backwards.
I certainly enjoyed following the trail.
The old saying 'six degrees of separation' is definitely working on this post!
I will check back later and read some of your other posts.
All the best
Peggy (miruspeg - Australia)
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