Donna and Lynn provided a warming house with a heavy duty heater. Lou and Donna provided yummy soup and sandwiches and hot cider and coffee. That energizing fuel usually does the trick. But, our kneecaps were numb, our toes were numb, our fingers were numb and we had to keep blinking to keep our eyeballs from freezing in place. My usually uncomplaining hubby whispered, “This is insanity!” We surrendered and called it quits.
We were an unsightly crew as we tramped into McDonalds for nine hot chocolates and a brief where-to go-from-here meeting.
As we plow ahead, Dad’s training is still guiding us and bringing us together. His name comes up in every conversation. We love to talk of Dad’s grit and wisdom and some quirkiness, too. We thank God for his influence!
God-loyal people, (like my Dad) living honest lives, make it much easier for their children.
Proverbs 20:6 [The Message]
Your summary of the day is so good, I'll probably just put a link to it on mine. I haven't checked my pictures, but I don't think they were very good. At least we can say, we survived. Donna
Won't these hard and good times make the best memories! It gives you reason to all be together.
What a neat family you have!
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