Thanksgiving reminds me of how inadequate I am at expressing my gratefulness. I am overwhelmed with all the good gifts and benefits so undeserved that I enjoy. My heart is full! It has paralyzed me from writing anything at all because I am so blessed.
I am thankful for Jesus, for grace, for prayer, for God’s word, for family, for health, for a home and much more. Many of you would echo the exact same blessings.
I am thankful for the life example of my sweet, faithful Christ—follower, Dad. He loved and was loved.
Turkey Trot
I am thankful for doctors, that God causes bones to heal and that I can walk.
I am thankful that my supportive hubby agreed to walk with me when other activities and responsibilities prevented my walking partner from attending the Turkey Trot.
I praised God for a beautiful day.
Right at 9:05 am following God Bless America, The Lima Lima Flying Group flew over the Turkey Trot in the “Missing Man” formation reminding us to thank God for our freedom and to pray for the families of the people that have given their lives for our country.
Thanksgiving celebration
I am thankful that I did not need to make the turkey for our family dinner.
I am thankful for sweet grandchildren who spontaneously—at the kid’s table—told things that they were thankful for.
Gingerbread houses
Each year the grandkids are more creative. This is such a fun family event!
Seamus included a gun launcher on his house.
Christmas preparation
I am thankful for Christmas—for all of the best reasons. How can we thank Jesus for his sacrifice and love? He came and humbled himself even unto death so that we might have eternal life. Philippians 2:5-8
I am also thankful . . .
I am thankful for Christmas—for all of the best reasons. How can we thank Jesus for his sacrifice and love? He came and humbled himself even unto death so that we might have eternal life. Philippians 2:5-8
I am also thankful . . .
- And excited that I will see all of my children and grandchildren this season.
- That my prelit Christmas tree lit for the third year in a row.
- That my Christmas card—however feeble—is basically done.
- That Bob does the outside lights. When I married Bob, I was aghast to discover that he was against outdoor decorations. Not easily deterred, I forged ahead and persistently decorated, okay, placed lights outside around shrubs at Thanksgiving time—for nine years. Then three years ago, my hubby being of sound mind, reasoned, “If you can’t dissuade her, do it right.” I was thrilled. They are evenly placed and mostly stay lit and look so pretty!
- That Bob is still working and that I can have the privilege of giving gifts.Not everyone is so blessed.
I feel almost guilty because of my happiness. The news today weighs on my heart and makes me conflicted. I do not know how to respond. I know that I must pray, remembering others and praising with a thankful heart.
Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray.
Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise.
James 5:13
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