Grandma was excited to have family
sharing the hometown parade!
Grandpa was a good saver of seats
and finder of Waldo.
Jakie, a bit skeptical at the beginning, begged to get in his car seat and go back to Grandma’s house, clearly articulating, “Carseat . . . Grandma’s . . . Play . . . Toys.”
As others held their ears during the multi siren beginning, Jacob looked on stoically. However, as soon as the countless firetrucks and numerous police cars and scores of ambulances passed, Jakie wanted “More!”
An added parade bonus was his first ever lollipop. He nearly consumed the stick also before mom dug it out of his cute little cheek.
Jessica’s hat was fun, funny and practical. Practical? You bet. It easily held all of her candy and other parade treasures safely and out of sight.
Ryan was a faithful flag waver and rock’n dancer.
His favorite part of the parade?
“The horses, tractors and candy!”
Thanks to all of the participants, volunteers, city leaders and parade committee for the 4th of July parade celebration! What a happy day!
I agree with my friend Rebecca's comment, "What a great day AND occasion for a parade! God bless America."
Brenda, what a lovely post and you have such a beautiful glad you enjoyed your day and thank you for sharing....:-) Hugs
I missed a parade here in it felt "right" to participate via your pictures. Loved the appropriate dress (flag on t-shirt, hat, etc.) and could see the joy in both Grandpa & Grandma's faces while sharing the sights and sounds with children & grands. What a great day AND occasion for a parade! God bless America.
Yes, Rebecca. Your last comment is well stated and I wish that I had included it in my post--in fact I think I will plagerize you and use it.
What cute boys! I'm so glad you're getting to spend some time with them! The parade looked like fun.
Little boys do like fire trucks and lollipops...Do you know you and your husband have the same smile, you could be brother and sister. My youngest son and his wife look alike! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
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