But not to here. Not yet.

Bees need to be moved in the evening. We wait until they are mostly in their hive for the day. Then they are sealed inside and moved as gently as possible.
As it gets dark, the bees are given passageways again for entering and exiting--but hopefully not until the morning. Bees return from where they leave each day. So if they are in the hive all night. Their GPS gets reoriented and they will return to the hive in its new location.
If the hives had been moved when the bees were in the field working, they would have returned to the same place they left and circled until they died. That is why the hive must be moved with all or as many of the bees inside as possible.

Young friends--children of our good friends--are beginning a new business. Their shelving units were on the truck and were delayed and delayed and delayed until the day before the city was to inspect the shelving. So a few of us went to see if we could assist with opening boxes, marking the outlets and putting the shelves on the walls.

We were moved.
The expression "busy as bees" also applies to beekeepers! What a blessing you were to that young family, Brenda. I know there will be helpers for you when it's YOUR turn to move :)
How interesting about the bees. I had no idea. It sounds quite amazing really.
How sweet of you to help your young friends. Maybe they will help you with your big move!
Love Di ♥
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