Tuesday, May 6, 2008

She shouldn't ask. . .

Our widows group is meeting tonight. The women are mostly in their 40’s and 50’s. Actually, I am the only older one having just celebrated a birthday. It was so nice when I could say that we were all in our 40’s and 50’s. Also, I am not a widow technically. Since I remarried, I lost that title. They voted to keep me in the group--probably because I was the original founding member--or because we often meet at my home for dinner. We do not have a name for our group. It is a bit odd. All of us still stumble over the “widow” word. In my email communications, I just say things like, “Hi friends, just a reminder that we are meeting at 6:30 p.m. for dinner. . .” and in that way avoid using the title. All of this is background so that you will know that this next conversation is not about us.

An older group of widows—in their 70’s and 80’s also meet regularly. They do have a name for their group. When I heard it, I thought it was quite cute—The Owls.

Sarah: So, Lois, what do you think our name stands for?

Lois: I don’t know. What?

Sarah: Come on, guess!

Lois: I don’t want to guess.

Sarah: Oh, come on. . .

Lois (hesitantly and carefully): Old Widow Ladies?

Sarah (with a horrified expression): Of course not. . .Overcoming Women’s Losses

Oh my! Of course!

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