Teeth were brushed.
Dolls were tucked.
Each doll was given a tiny stuffed animal for nightime comfort.
The girls placed their own special sleep buddies
in bed with them for the night.
Morgan likes to sleep with Baby Jesus.
Jessica chose to sleep with her special dog, Baron.
All other stuffed animals were curled up and cozy.
Morgan read a mini mini mystery aloud for us to guess.
Jessica read aloud our Bible story.
New bulbs were found for nightlights in the bedroom,
in the bathroom,
in the rec room,
making it nearly as bright as daylight.
Morgan had her own flashlight.
We found a flashlight for Jessica.
We found one extra flashlight for Morgan, just in case.
The girls practiced turning them on
to see if they were bright enough.
We talked about our highs for the day.
. . .the fun valentine foods?
the crafts?
. . . having Aunt Kathi with us was special
Jessica's high was a game that we played right after dinner.
Morgan's high was the whole dinner.
Morgan's low was that she had to wait for hours after church
before it was time to come for our sleepover.
We prayed.
Kissed good night.
I talked to the girls about sleeping as long as possible in the morning because we took quite a long time going to bed.
The girls wanted the bedroom door closed.
One more thing, when I woke them in the morning, I was reminded that they would like to be awakened with the woodpecker knocker.
I closed the bedroom door.
I went upstairs and sat down to the computer
for the first time all day.
Within a few moments there was a knock on the study door.
Morgan was having chest pains.
I encouraged her to take a drink of water.
I asked if she would like me to come sleep in their bedroom.
“Would you grandma? You’re the best.”
We got out the air mattress.
Found sheets and blanket and pillow.
Once again, we turned off lights
except that it was still quite bright in the room.
I got permission to turn off the night light
right by my head, shining in my face.
Good night, Morgan.
Good night, Jessica.
The girls called Walton style good nights to all,
including the animals . . .
Good night, Max
Good night Cidney
Good night Luna
Good night Cadbury
Good night Jane
Good night Monet
Good night May
Good night June
Good night July
Good night Marilee
Good night Jenny
Good night Emma
Good night Mulan
Good night Penny
Good night Julianna
Good night Marley
Good night Baby Jesus
Good night Baron
Good night Grandma
Good night Morgan
Good night Jessica.
There were a few giggles.
I was very quiet, hopeful that sleep would come to all.
Jessica quietly asked, “May I blow my nose?”
Of course.
She found the tissues.
Jessica climbed back into bed.
All was quiet for moment.
Morgan asked, “May I go to the bathroom?”
Of course.
She returned.
We all lay very quietly for a moment.
I heard Jessica get up and walk around a bit.
Soon she brought a soft little brown dog, Max,
so I could cuddle with an animal.
I thanked her, and wrapped Max in my arms
so that we could all sleep well.
Morgan soon asked,
“Would you like to sleep with one of my animals too?”
I thought I was fine
until I realized that one of her animals
really was needed for me
to be quite complete and comfortable.
Who would I like to sleep with?
I didn’t care. Probably someone soft and cuddly.
Morgan’s pig, May? or her poodle, Marilee?
I chose Marilee.
I closed my eyes and
snuggled up with Max and Marilee.
All was quiet for five minutes. . .
Then for ten minutes.
The girls were asleep.
I thanked God in His heaven.
In the morning, I asked the girls,
"Will you do something special for me?
Will you never get too old
to have sleepovers with me?"
They promised.